
It’s almost the 4th of July again and things are being planned by people all over for some form of celebration and family gatherings. For the most part people enjoy this time of year, because we get an extra reason to fire up our grills for those that have them and especially we can light off fireworks in celebration of our Day of Independence. Like the next guy I like grilling and watching the fireworks, but how often do we think of the freedoms that we do have in this country and what it took to get these same freedoms we take advantage of? That is what I want to talk about today is the sacrifice that it took to get here and have we lulled ourselves into a sense of false protection thinking that what we have could never be taken away from us. Let’s look at a couple examples of what it takes to be free.

First let us take a look at God’s people who had been living in slavery for 430 years by the time that they were finally set free. The Egyptians had made slaves of them years after Joseph had passed away and even though their numbers were great they remained slaves. When Moses shows up on the scene to free them they are reluctant to believe and follow him, even though he had God’s backing. After the plagues had come and gone and the Pharaoh Egypt sent them out of the land, did the people continue to rejoice in their new freedom? No, instead the continued to rebel and complain and even went as far as saying that they would have been better off back in Egypt under slavery (Exodus 14:11-12; 16:3). One reason they acted that way I feel is because they had done nothing to gain that freedom, it was given to them with them truly sacrificing anything in return, unless you consider sacrificing slavery as a true sacrifice. Not only did God free them from slavery, but He also provided food, water, clothing and protection as the traveled through the land. Again no true sacrifice was made by the people. The time of sacrificing came when the people refused to enter the land that God wanted to give them and instead of trusting in the LORD they feared man more. For this they would have to sacrifice 40 more years in the wilderness and those above the age of 18 would have to die off before entering the promise land. When this time had passed they did enter the land and took hold of their freedom God had given them, but it took them to sacrifice something to truly appreciate the gift of freedom that they had been given. (Exodus 19:1 3 months; 40:17 beginning of the second year; Judges 2:10-23)

Now we jump ahead some to a more recent time, but still in the past. While this land was being colonized by Britain and we were under British control most people had no desire to come out from under the British. Just like the Israelites in Egypt most had come to accept this form of slavery and so there was no push to rise up and take hold of freedom from an overbearing government that taxed and controlled their rights. Though they may have suffered under the King’s hand, the people were not willing to come out from under it. It took a small group of people to start what would become our war of independence.

I am sure not many today would want to live during that time, but those people who did stood up for freedom and understood its cost. I fear today that this generation has lost the love of true freedom and have allowed them to be slowly enslaved again under an abusive government, not much different than Egypt and Britain of old. The masses are kept entertained and distracted while the government obtains more control over their lives under the guise of security and trying to take on the role of parents trying tell us what we need and do not need.

Our country was blessed by The Almighty and with that blessing we have prospered, but will that blessing stay forever if we continue to allow God to be removed and excluded from our everyday life and how this country is run? Just like the Israelites of old that turned their backs on God those same blessing were removed and in their place curses were placed (Deuteronomy 28). I can only tell you to pray and do what can be done to make safe your household for when the day of the LORD comes that we are found worthy to escape His wrath.

Back to more pleasant things, it is close to the 4th of July and we should take this time to thank the LORD for all that He has done for us and our country. We should remember the cost of the freedom we so easily partake of and enjoy. As we celebrate and enjoy time with our friends and family do not forget to give God an additional praise for all that He has done for us.