Passover, Lord’s Supper and Easter

Holy Day or Holiday, what should a True “Christ”ian be observing?


A new year has begun for God’s people for the Passover takes place in the first month of a new year. That is just a side note to what I really want to talk about with you all. While the Passover is known by most people in the world, regardless if they observe it or not, is it something that we as believers are supposed to be partaking of? The Lord’s Supper on the other hand is something that most if not all Christians will be doing to some degree or another. Easter on the other hand will be observed by most Christians along with some non-Christians as well.


Footnote: When I speak of Christians I mean everyone that makes the claim of being in some way affiliated with Jesus. Evangelicals, Protestants, Catholics, Seventh Day Adventists, Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses and anyone else I haven’t mentioned that call themselves Christians.


Footnote 2:Christ”ians are those that actually follow Jesus’s example in all walks of life and not just say they do. Meaning they observed all that Jesus observed and not making up some lame excuse to avoid observing things that they don’t want to do. Most fame excuse of all “It was nailed to the cross”.


I am not going to go into each one with too much depth. I have in the past done a sermon on just the Passover and one on the Lord’s Supper. I am redo them again but for now what I really want to talk to you about is each of these three events and which are the ones that TRUE “Christ”ians should take the time observing.

You can find the account of the Passover in Exodus 12:1-50. Three times is it mentioned that God’s people should be keeping the Passover from generation to generation forever (verses 14, 17 and 24). Of course Christians will try to mention that it is speaking of just the people of Israel. All those that have accepted Jesus and chose to follow his example and serve his Father are Israelites. I guess I will have to link the sermon I had done in 2012 concerning this, so that you will understand. Three times God mention it to be done forever and yet here we are today and very few still keep it and use this time to thank the LORD for what He has done for them, in so many ways.

Now looking at the Lord’s Supper, which can be found in Matthew 26:26-30, Mark 14:16-26 and Luke 22:13-20. John 13:1-17 speaks of the foot washing. We are to keep the Lord’s Supper as a memorial and remembrance of his sacrifice that was made on our behalf. You won’t find any Christian that would disagree with keeping this or at least I wouldn’t think so. Now as for the foot washing, that is a rare thing to see done even though Jesus speaks of it as an example that we are to do. I guess the foot washing has become one of those things that they don’t want to observe. Maybe it is just too inconvenient for them or they are above doing such a thing that even Jesus had done.

Why is it hard for Christians to do what Jesus did? They will go around with wrist bands that have WWJD (What Would Jesus Do) or WDJD (What Did Jesus DO) on them and at the same time not even come close to doing what he had done. Instead of harping on the issue of Christians refusing to do what is simply asked of them to do by both God and His son Jesus let’s look at Easter.

Easter, a day named after a goddess and observed with eggs and bunnies that symbolize fertility and life, having nothing to do with Jesus. Sorry but I don’t remember bunch of bunnies and eggs laying around the tomb that Jesus rose from. Face it you don’t even see the early church observing Easter at all. Easter also isn’t a day or festival told to us to observe from neither God nor Jesus, but yet you find millions upon millions of Christians more than happy to observe it. Just like God’s people of old the Christians are doing the same thing as recorded in 2 Kings 17:15. Satan has done such a great job in making the things that we are asked to do look bad, while the things we should not be doing at all look good. Isaiah prophesied of these people in Chapter 5 verse 20. You can never take something that is bad and make it good. Those that said they were God’s people tried it then and now those that say they are God’s people today are trying it again. We know what happened to them then and from that we know what will happen to those that say they are God’s people today.

If we are going to claim to be God’s people we can at least do the things He has asked of His people, which we were given a perfect example to follow and that example was Jesus.