Sheep and Shepherds

   The word Sheep can imply different meanings to you and especially how it’s being used. I use to always think the word sheep outside of the use in talking about the animal itself always meant someone that was gullible or could not think for oneself. With that negative view of the word I had a hard time hearing it used to describe Gods people. I then began to change my view of what it meant to be a Sheep for the Lord. Through the Word of God we need to see the benefits and the good qualities of being called a Sheep. We definitely need to avoid being called Goats.

   So let us look at a couple key traits that Sheep of the Lord need to have such as what is mentioned in Matthew 7:15-20. The Sheep of God need to be keen eyed and be able to tell the difference between another Sheep and a wolf posing as a Sheep. Or even be able to tell if another Sheep is acting Goatish.

   Another important trait that Sheep have is to tell the difference between the voice of their Shepherd and that of a stranger as mentioned in John 10:4-5. We need to know the voice of our Shepherd and as it says we should flee from any voice that does not sound like His voice.

   So from just these two books of the Bible we know that the Sheep of the Lord are to be keen of sight and sound. We are to avoid anything that does not look like a Sheep or anyone that does not sound like our Shepherd. Sheep are also faithful and obedient and trust in their Shepherd to help guide and protect them.

   Since I am focusing on just Sheep in Part 1 of Sheep and Shepherds there is another matter that needs to be brought up that Sheep of God need to avoid as well. As Sheep we have to try and avoid being Mean Sheep to other Sheep in the flock as mentioned here in Ezekiel 34:16-22. There are those that may call themselves or even think that they are Sheep of the Lord, but they are not. Their behavior towards other Sheep and new Sheep that have just entered the flock, they are in danger of alienating themselves from Gods flock and becoming a Goat.

   As fellow Sheep in the Lords flock we are to behave kindly and gentle towards each other and those that have just became part of the fold. We shouldn’t be ruining the fellowship for others and we should not act or speak unkindly towards those in need as the Sheep mentioned in verse 21. We surely do not want to be labeled Goats mentioned in Matthew 25:31-34 for their outcome is then spoken of in verse 46 of the same chapter. We want to be included in the Sheep and receive the blessing of verse 34.

   Let us all strive to be Sheep of the Lord and not Goats or even Wolves with Sheep clothing on.


*Side Note* All Shepherds are Sheep, but not all Sheep are Shepherds. Even those that are Shepherds down here are still Sheep in the Lords Flock. Jesus is our Shepherd though he was the Lamb of God. So too are the Pastors (Shepherds) at all the Churches today are to be Sheep in his flock.


   Last week we covered Sheep and what they need to be like and what they need to avoid doing and becoming Goats.

   Today it is Shepherds that we will take a closer look at and what they are to be doing as well as what happens to Shepherds that do their job poorly.

   Shepherds are like police men that are supposed to service and protect. As Shepherds of the Lord we have a higher responsibility and a much Higher Authority to answer to. Shepherds are to Feed, Protect and Guide the Sheep of the Lord. Peter learned this lesson before he began his Shepherding. In John 21:15-17 Jesus reminds Peter not once, not twice but three times. There is a reason for this and you will find it in verses 2-3. We may think back to Peters denials of Jesus when we read verses 15-17, but it is not that that makes Jesus ask him three times. Though, Peter might have thought about that moment when Jesus asked him those three times. Peter was the appointed leader you could say of the group and as that leader he decided to go fishing for fish and not men. Jesus had to make it clear to Peter the importance of the mission he had set Peter on. We as Pastors (Shepherds) need to remember to feed, feed and feed the Sheep of the Lord.

   As Shepherds we need to follow our example and that is Jesus. He did the will of his Father without complaint and obediently. Like in John 10:1-16 we need to avoid being a hireling or stranger or thieves and robbers. Through Jesus and Jesus alone are Sheep called and gathered before his Father and he is the only true Shepherd of his Fathers Sheep. We must be Shepherds as well as Peter was. We need to be awake and watchful for anything that may bring harm to the Sheep. We need to bring Sheep into to the fold and not scatter them which will make them prey to wolves that are waiting out there to bring ruin to them.

   We Shepherds are to help guide Sheep back to the fold if possible as mentioned in Matthew 18:12-13. We are to take that extra step to go after a lost Sheep and when that Sheep returns we rejoice for one that was lost has now returned. It is sad to witness Sheep that refuse to come back from their Goatish ways and stubbornly and rebelliously reject the Lord. There are times when a Shepherd needs to use the Shepherds Staff to help Sheep on their way or back on track. We do this out of love and not cruelty.

   The Lord makes it clear in Jeremiah 23:1-2 and Ezekiel 34:1-10 that being a Shepherd is a great responsibility and with it greater punishment if we abuse that position and trust from the Lord. God points out what happens to those that take on the role of Shepherd and use it for their own gain and to be cruel to HIS Sheep.

   As for me the words of Hebrews 10:31 come to mind when we take up responsibilities that the Lord entrusts to us, specially concerning His Sheep.

   I pray that as Shepherds we can lead HIS Sheep to green pastures with the help from Him and His son Jesus Christ.