Another Glimpse of Noah

Yes, I did go and see the Noah movie that has come out in theatre this pass Sunday. First half was ok for entertaining purposes and by the second half it just went downhill from there. I don’t want to emphasize on the movie, but may bring it up once in a while as comparison. The Biblical account of Noah can be found in Genesis 6:1-9:29.

How bad the people were back in that time? Bad enough were The Almighty repents of every creating mankind.  I look at our world and think, “Man this is bad”, but Noah’s time had to be even worse for The Almighty to even think of repenting from His own works. Of course things will become even worse for us as time goes on (Matthew 24:21), but that’s another topic. One interesting and brief belief I have concerning Noah is that I think his wife had triplets, so that there would be more help for him in the construction of the Ark.

These are things that the movie just couldn’t get right regardless of the fact that they are clearly stated in the scriptures.

·      Entrance to the Ark was on the side.

·      Noah’s three sons had wives when they entered the Ark.

·      Clean animals went into the Ark by seven.

·      The Almighty kept Noah informed about what to do and what was going to happen.

·      The Almighty was going to establish His covenant with Noah.

There is quite a bit of symbolism and other interesting treasures found in the Noah story even though it’s not a long one. For instance the raven and dove showed Satan and Jesus. The flood represented a form of baptism not just for the earth, but also for Noah and his family. Also the division of clean and unclean animals was around long before Mount Sinai. Was this established because they would need food when the water subsided or would they be for sacrifices or maybe both? For all the preaching that Noah did was there anyone that joined him with the work he was doing and entered into the Ark? Nope, not a single person listened to Noah’s warnings, kind of like today (Matthew 24:38).

As the story progresses Noah completes the Ark, but it is The Almighty that closes the door. Did The Almighty close the door because it was somehow too large for Noah to accomplish or was it because when the rain started to fall that Noah would have hesitated to close it to allow some people to enter due to compassion? Reading the story again I think it was the latter and not the former reason for The Almighty to close the Ark and not Noah (Genesis 7:13-16). We may not think about because it’s never mentioned in the scriptures or even in churches, but imagine what had to been going on when the rain started to fall and the earth broke forth with water that people would have cried out and those nearby would have rain to the Ark knowing that it was the only thing that they believed could save them. By that time it was too late, even when they realized that what Noah said was true they could not go back and change their choices that they had made, they sealed their own fate.

Another interesting point to Noah’s story is that by his own choice he condemned the world (Hebrews 11:7). Did he know that by his actions that it would bring the flood? I wouldn’t think he did and what would have happened if he chose not to build the Ark? First starters the world would be in a far worse condition now than it is already. Today The Almighty is preparing things for those He wants to save as He did in Noah’s day (1 Peter 3:20). Just like than The Almighty is arranging things today. Unlike Noah’s day where his choices could have affected the outcome of that world there is no changing the course of our eventual outcome of this world we live in.

With the example of Noah’s time as a warning and the warning from Jesus about our own time there is one thing we can all get from it and that is we better be willing to not only hear, but take action or we will find ourselves shut out of the Ark, figuratively speaking.