of Samson
Are we at times like Samson? Does God use us
to accomplish things that at first may appear questionable? I believe we all
know the basic account of Samson and if not then you need to read it. The
complete story of Samson can be found in Judges
Chapters 13 thru 16.
Even though I know the story of Samson, I
reread it a couple times to refresh my memory and to see if there was anything
that I might have over looked. I’m still amazed how we can see and learn new
things from the scriptures even though we thought we knew everything there is
to know about what we are reading. There are lessons all throughout the
scriptures that we sometimes over look and or neglect.
Let us brake down the story of Samson and
see what we can learn from him and the life he led for good and bad.
In the beginning portion of Chapter 14 I always thought what was
wrong with that boy Samson. Why did he have to go and find someone from the
Philistines to be his wife? I agreed with his parents in verse 3, but in verse 4
the choosing of Timnath was by God, so that Samson
would be stirred up against the Philistines. Sometimes there may be things that
come up in our lives that may appear to others as wrong, but it has a purpose
that God wants accomplished. We need to be aware that though in the eyes of
others it may seem a mistake, but to God it has a greater purpose. We need to
try and see it as God does and what good can be accomplished later on from it.
Like Samson in Chapter 15, God may have us do things that is according to his
will, but will cause those that are enemies of His people to take notice and
try and rise up against you. As God had seen Samson through this difficult time
and rewarded him with water to revive his spirit, so too will the Lord see us
through that which He has planned for us and that we to shall receive the Holy
Spirit that will revive our own. It will be as Jesus mentioned in John 4:14 “But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never
thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water
springing up into everlasting life.”
The final lesson for us that we can learn
from Samson’s life is here in Chapter 16.
After 20 years of judging Israel Samson begins to slack in his relationship
with the Lord. He begins to go and spend time with those that are not of God’s
people. This association with the ungodly causes Samson to begin to go astray
and to go down the slippery slope. No matter how much time passes with us, we
need to stay vigilant and not fall asleep spiritually. As Samson was asked 4
times for the secret of his strength and on the fourth time Delilah asked him
he gives in and tells her, to his ruin. How many times will it take us to give
in and to do something wrong that will bring us to our own demise? That is why
Jesus warns us to stay awake and be watchful (Mathew 24:43; 26:41). How long and how many times will you
continue to fellowship with ungodly people and be deceived by them before you
learn that we are to fellowship with the Godly and not the ungodly. For what
does darkness have to do with the light?
At the end of Samson’s life, though he had
made mistakes, he did realize his wrong doing and prayed to the Lord for help.
The Lord had not turned His back on Samson, even though Samson turned his back
on the Lord. Samson had put himself into this situation because of his own
choices and was deserving of what he had received by the hands of the
Philistines, but yet the Lord answered his prayer. I will give some credit to
Samson for turning back to God knowing what had happened to him and that Samson
took responsibility for his actions unlike so many in the world that go around
blaming everyone and everything else for their problems. Samson knew in his
heart at the end that there is but only one that he could turn to and that was
God Almighty.
Let us not have to get to that point in our
lives where we have made such a disastrous wrong that brings such harm to us
before we see the error of our ways and turn to God in prayer. Remember that as
long as we have breath and the willingness to repent and return back to the
Lord, He is there to hear our prayer and to answer it. As it is written He
desires that none should parish (Mathew
18:13-14). These accounts in the scriptures such as Samson are here to
remind us and to teach us lessons so that we do not have to go through them
Let us
learn from Samson so that in our life we don’t have to go through unwanted
pain, but to stay alert and watchful for the devil seeks for those that he may
devour (1 Peter 5:8). It will be the
strength from the Lord that will see us through the days ahead then our own
mere fleshly strength and it is His spirit that will refresh and nourish our