North and South


Last time, I spoke on the two feet of Iron and Clay from the image that King Nebuchadnezzar saw in a dream. Those two feet would become the Western and Eastern Empires of the former Roman Empire and they will be around when God establishes His Kingdom here on earth. This time around I am going to speak on the Kings of the North and the South. These two, like the two feet of iron and clay, will be here at the end times. Daniel is shown in chapter 11 verses 35 that what is happening during this time takes place “even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed.”

Daniel chapter 11 lays out a pretty detailed progression of events leading up to what we call the battle of Armageddon. The last King of the North is what I want to focus on and what he does, because it is he that continues to the end, not that those that come before him are of no importance, but the last holds more influence of things to come. The others that come before do provide information of events that we can look for, but again I will focus on the last at this point in time.

This last King of the North comes in unlike the others in the sense that he uses flatteries to gain power (Daniel 11:21, 24). He will be one that is charismatic and has a mastery of speaking to people and convincing them of things that are not true, similar to what Hitler was able to do. He will appear as someone that will help solve problems and provide the things that people want, but in the end he does it all for his self and for this new god that he introduces that is not known (Daniel 11:38, 39). There is much talking, deceitfulness and straight-out conquest that this King manages to do. He will eventually conquer the King of the South (Daniel 11:40-43). What is mentioned that makes myself and others think that the temple is restored is that it is mentioned that the sacrifices are made to cease (Daniel 11:31) and if they are made to cease then it can be assumed that they will start up again, because this is all taking place in the end-times. Also we know that this deals with end-time events, because what good is it to seal something up for a future event if it speaks of something that has already happened?

The question that arises is, if there are four Kingdoms (Western Empire, Eastern Empire, and King of the North and the King of the South) around at the time of the end why then is there only two that appear to exist in the dream that was given to Nebuchadnezzar? If there are only two Kingdoms than who are these Kings of the North and the South? One of the keys to understanding who they both are is what is mentioned in Daniel 11:2. Persia and Grecia are mentioned, which is important because where they are located. One falls within the Western Empire and the other the Eastern Empire. The King of the North is no other than the Western Empire and the King of the South is the Eastern Empire. The North and South are the same two feet of iron and clay spoken of in the vision given to Nebuchadnezzar of the image (Daniel 2:31-35).

We are given much information to point to what to be looking for when it comes to the end-times. Jesus speaks of signs to watch for (Matthew 24:4-44); Daniel and others are given dreams and visions of things to come. Together, there is really no excuse for us to be unprepared for what lies ahead and what time we are in as we await Jesus’ eventual return and establishing of God’s Kingdom. Face it Jesus gives us plenty of information along with Daniel.

What will be the down fall of many is that it is being preached out there that the “church” will be raptured away from all of this, so this will make people lackadaisical. When things begin to unfold people will be unaware to it or will misunderstand what is happening, because they will still be here, while all the time before this they have been told they won’t be here. Throughout the scriptures there has never been a time when God removed His people from the earth to avoid bad things happening. He has protected them and watched over them, but never has He ever removed them as the church is telling its members today and in the past. Even the reaping that is mentioned in Revelation 14:14-20 that takes place after most of the events of that book happen does not include all of God’s people. The 144,000 will still be around to bear witness to what takes place till the end. I will have to do another sermon on that topic at a later date.

There is one other thing I would like to mention from Daniel is that these events will try us, refine us and purge us (Daniel 11:32-35). This may sound hard to except, but it has been mentioned before in scripture, about how God’s people will be refined as silver is refined (Zechariah 13:9) and how wheat is purged (Luke 3:17). Even 1 Peter 1:7 speaks of how we are tried and tested. I am not here to tickle ears, but prepare as many as possible for what is to come, so that they will not be caught off guard and be one of many that will fall away from the truth and be caught by flatteries to their own ruin.