Learning Spiritual Warfare
Breaking the Bonds
This is the third of
five sections of my Spiritual Warfare sermons. We have covered in the first
section things we need to do to prepare for battle or in other words, just
living our daily lives for the Lord. Also we looked at in the second section
those that are our enemies in this world we live in and their desire for us to
fail, for they do not want us to receive any reward from God.
Now we come to learn about bonds that we
create and how can we undue what has been done.
Even though I am speaking of things that
take place in the spiritual realm, these things begin in the physical. We have
to be careful about all that we do, for bonds can be formed by many things. Things we say, places we go and spend a lot of time at and
in some case just a little is enough depending on the place you’re going. These
and others actions can create bonds that we do not want and have no idea are
being created. Bonds can be formed between people such as friends and family as
well as between people that you might have done something with for just one
There is countless ways that bonds are
formed, but I would also like to take a moment to talk about generational
curses and what I call plain old curses. I call generational curses bonds
because they act like chains that tie one generation to the next, but that just
how I see them. So people can gain generational curses by marrying into a
family that has one. Wrong doings of family members can keep a generation curses
going since in Exodus 20:5 speaks of
curses only going to the third and fourth generation (Give Examples).
Because we believe we live in a modern
society many think or have themselves fooled into
believing that these things cannot be or that if you believe that these things
are then you’re crazy. It is sad that we in this day and age have such little
understanding of things that the early church knew so much about and how to
deal with it. We are so far behind the learning curve in this area of spiritual
understanding that we have quite a ways to catch up.
I will have touched on just a few items that
deal with bonds, curses and generational curses. This topic along with the
other two sermons before this one are more in depth then what a 45 min sermon
can cover, this is just scratching the surface of something that Christians
should know all about as well as being prepared to handle whenever we are
called upon to break these spiritual bonds. This is not a subject that should
not be taken lightly and never to be tried until you have more facts than what
I have and will share with you.